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作者:编辑: 时间:2013-01-15 点击量:


Transforming Drug Discovery

主讲人:胡滔  药明康德合成化学部执行主任

时间:2012117 周四 2:30-5:00pm


胡滔博士1999年毕业于波士顿大学获得博士学位,并在Nobel Prize winner Prof. E. J. Corey教授的带领下在Harvard University 博士后研究项目。曾任职于Merck(2001) Amgen(2005),担任高级研究化学家和高级科学家;2006年加盟无锡药明康德(WuXi AppTec.),具有16年以上有机合成及药物化学工业经验。近年参加中欧国际商业学院EMBA课程学习获得MBA学位。






美国最富盛名和最具影响力的商业杂志之一《Fast Company》杂志,每年会在全球范围内寻找具有创造性商业理念、增长速度快、具备一定社会公益性的企业(或个人)通过资深的专业记者的投票评选出50名年度企业或个人,称为“Fast 50”。 评出的2009年度创新企业50(Fast 50),美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选团队荣登榜首,谷歌排名第二,视频网站Hulu位列第三,无锡药明康德位列第八。


A Brief Biography of Tao Hu


Dr. Tao Hu, currently Executive Director of Chemistry at WuXi AppTec, has over 14 years of experience in the field of synthetic and medicinal chemistry and in building high performance teams. Tao Hu obtained his Ph.D. in 1999 from Boston University working with Prof. James Panek in the area of natural product synthesis, after which he studied as a postdoctoral fellow under the direction of Nobel Laureate Professor E. J. Corey at Harvard University.  During the period of his Ph.D. and postdoctoral research, Tao successfully accomplished the total syntheses of five complex natural products. In 2001, Dr. Tao Hu joined Merck as a medicinal chemist to start his pharmaceutical industry career and moved to Amgen in 2005, during which he worked on several neuropathologic and diabetic targets. In 2006, he returned to China and joined WuXiAppTec.  During the past 6 years at WuXi, Dr. Tao Hu has led many major collaborations including Schering-Plough (Merck), AstraZeneca, GSK, Abbott, and has been the leader of a team up to 350 scientists. He believes that continuous learning and self-improvement is elemental for long term success of any organizations, and therefore strongly advocated for comprehensive training programs in his daily management.  Dr. Tao Hu also passionately devoted himself to many other company wide events.  Since 2007, he led and chaired company’s monthly Science Seminar Series.  Today, this seminar series has emerged as one of the distinguishing features of WuXi AppTec, and over 100 world renowned professors and scholars have lectured at WuXi.  From 2008, Dr. Tao Hu took the lead in company’s new employee training program, and built up a systematic training system for all new employees.  In 2009, he started to chair the company’s training committee and developed a strategic training program for all levels of chemists and managers, from new employees, senior chemists, to group leaders/Directors. In 2011, he also helps establish DNA/Gene Synthesis platform at WuXi AppTec.  Dr. Tao Hu recently has completed a two-year EMBA program at China Europe International Business School and was awarded MBA degree in Oct. 2012.



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